Monday, March 29, 2010

An evening at YOKO :: Mumbai

Back after a long haul. Agree that I love cooking, a hundred times more than gorging on what is served to me without moving a limb. Perhaps, I’m a behind the scene person… nevertheless a recent visit to Yoko in Mumbai left me asking for more! more of their delectable food. Our order was the usual: Steak Sizzler with Mushroom, cream and cheese, one noodle sizzler, a side of baked bean on bread, egg club sandwich, all washed down by refreshingly cold ice tea. It was just another day of eating out and we weren’t expecting something unusual , BUT it turned out to be olfactory treat, our gastronomic indulgence began the moment the food was laid before us. The ‘sizzle’ beckoned us to taste food; the uprising smoke almost fired up the anticipation…and then we slowed ourselves down to appreciate the charred aroma of the juicy steak, veiled by crisp fries and sautéed spinach and so much more.

The smokey environment was initially a bit of put off, especially emanating from a non-smoking non drinking family restaurant, however no-one was complaining. From the moment you sit down to place your order – the smelling taste is put to action. Food aside, the beverage section is sparsely populated with choices, although full justice has been done to the listings. This is one of the few restaurants where the peach Ice tea smells and tastes of real Peaches.

Dessert – we could not make it to that far …just order the main course, and I promise that you'll be richly rewarded - just like we were.

Approx price for meal for two - 700.

1 comment:

  1. Yes you can gorge on Sizzling sizzlers here or sneak into the adjacent bong restaurant


Love it when you say some thing on the food cooked with love...